Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I'd like to keep this blog from being one long, whining rant, unsubstantiated by facts. As a 3rd generation Italian-American transplanted from the rust belt to the bible belt, I'm hoping that a portion of what I share here might resonate with fellow working and middle class Americans. My writing skills leave a lot to be desired, so I'll be getting a lot of help from books and other media, as well as credible internet sources.

Most Americans agree that somehow our country has wandered off track, and much of the angst is directed at American politics. There's been no shortage of blame, and it seems that things really heated up with the attacks of 9/11. That day our nation awoke from the arrogant daydream that we were somehow immune to what the rest of the world had known for a long time. It seems that an ugly fear and hatred arose from the ashes of that day, and I think a good deal of the negativity was fostered by the administration of that time - the distain and intolerance for anyone or anything different than White Anglo Saxon Protestants. And, the lightening rod for most of it has been President Obama. You can say what you want - but at the end of the day, I think a lot of people still can't  handle a smart black man...

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