I first want to say that this is going to be a no-frills blog - you probably won't be seeing a many photos or hype here - that frosting has been saved for my other internet spaces.
To share a bit about myself, I, like many other baby boomers, was raised in an era of respect, decency, and the golden rule - I remember a time when people had consciences, knew right from wrong, and for the most part, longed for world peace and love. I'm not saying it was all good, because there was plenty of hatred and discrimination in those days, and we didn't have as many creature comforts. But, we've zig-zagged ourselves to a better place in many ways.
Along the way, we've paid a high price for our evolvement, the first being a huge cost to our planet for all this "progress". It seems that we've not only devised a system that takes the most advantage of our earth while causing harm to ourselves, but we've also engineered a way to speed things up while making it unfashionable and unpopular to stop or reverse the trend.
Part of the problem is *attitude* - the disregard for fellow Americans, our global family, and our home, the earth. So many still don't realize that that we're all connected - what happens to one affects us all, and that we all share the same "back yard". My goal is to strike a small spark of awareness so we might all enjoy a better world. I share my thoughts in support of of sanity...
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