In many ways, this is the age of "stupid". American people seem, to me, to be more gullible and misinformed than ever. Maybe it has something to do with the echo chamber of the media and Internet, but we do seem to be talked into and "sold" on things and ideas quite easily, and without giving them a moment's thought.
When most people hear the word "propaganda", they think of the tools used by Nazi Germany and other radical regimes. You know that kind - blatant, dated, 40's and 50's "good versus evil" hype. With TV and the Internet, most of us accept advertising as just part of the media, and much of it's cloaked as entertainment. After all, it's fashionable to be part of the crowd - no one has brainwashed us, and we've made the choice to buy a product or idea of our own free will. There's no hocus-pocus about it, and no one has hypnotized us, right?
But, actually, the TV and radio are the most common hypnotic instruments used in modern times, and all but the very poorest of American families own them. After you stop laughing, think about it. With few exceptions, much of TV and radio content is mindless, and neither really requires much thought - in fact, they do our thinking for us. What better way to reach people when they are in the familiar surroundings and comfort of their own homes, (or cars), and in a relaxed, receptive state? Advertisers are counting on that lowered state of resistance to convince us to buy their products, and many of today's politicians and people behind power want us to rely on them for the "facts". In my opinion, too many people are either undereducated, lazy, or both, and rely on what is given them at face value.
Here's a good video that lists the types of propaganda, using a modern day twist that just happens to use the Bush administration as an example.
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